Ham radio deluxe lotw issues
Ham radio deluxe lotw issues

ham radio deluxe lotw issues ham radio deluxe lotw issues

It’s not unheard of to go through dozens of iterations of logging systems before settling down. This is not by any means a perfectly consolidated system, but my operating isn’t consolidated either, so I use what works based on what i’m doing at the time. Winning AClog sold it for me, but before I was using Log4OM mostly as my master log. The AClog database file becomes the master, and it and all ADIF and cabrillo exports are saved in google drive with a _DDmmmYYYY.adif naming format. For contests, I also send in the cabrillo to wherever it’s requested. I also upload to QRZ and eQSL because why not. When i’m done with whatever operation, I export to adif, email it to myself if necessary so I can access it anywhere, and import that into N3FJP AClog (i won a free copy at a hamfest) and that has tooling to send it out to LOTW. If i’m operating from my company EOC station, i usually use N1MM or hamlog iOS for SSB and fldigi log for CW and digi, wsjt log for FT modes. My teamviewer remotes use N1MM on the remote side so I don’t have to swap desktops too much, but sometimes I do, it all just depends. If i’m remote operating, RHR has a native log that works well, but remote hams i’ll either use AClog directly or N1MM depending on the type of operation. If i’m running digital i use wsjt’s or fldigi’s native logs but i have been playing with gridtracker’s integrations. I turn paper into adif using FLE or just manually if it’s not many contacts. Your browser must support cookies in order to log in.Not a member of Logbook of the World? Get started today!ARRL websiteCopyright 2014 American Radio Relay League, Inc.I log in various entry points like you - if it’s portable/SOTA/POTA i either use paper or hamlog iOS. The TQSL software may have had a problem signing your records or LoTW may not have.

ham radio deluxe lotw issues

Username: Password: Note: This is not the password sent to US amateurs via postcard! Immediately after you upload to LoTW, nothing is changed in your log. This is needed for older browsers (like Log on to Logbook of the WorldNote: You must have been issued a certificate before you can log on to the LoTW site. Size: 5394File was rejected with this error:ARRL's Logbook of the World adi file, signing it and uploading tq8 file using TQSL. Tried to upload 22 QSO's today and got "file refused" error. Uploads to LoTW had been working prior to lastest ARRL hack.

Ham radio deluxe lotw issues