Douglas brave williams crescent city california
Douglas brave williams crescent city california

douglas brave williams crescent city california

Article by Jonathan Lewis – Public Procurement-principles governing extensions of the limitation period (Access for Living v London Borough of Lewisham).Alerter by Lucy McCormick – The Law Commission publishes Automated Vehicles report.Alerter by James Williams – Back to the future: in the latest round of Smith v Pimlico Plumbers, the Court of Appeal has confirmed the correct approach to holiday pay claims – but some confusion remains.Article by Jonathan Lewis – The perils of voluntary consultation (Binder and others v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions).Alerter by Reanne MacKenzie & Hazel Jackson – Update to the Commercial Court Guide: 11th Edition.Sir Alan Dashwood QC comments on Republic of Moldova v Komstroy.Alerter by William Moody – What does the Paris Agreement on Climate Change mean?.Douglas Maxwell examines the Building Safety Bill.Alerter – Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022: Interaction with Insolvency.Article by Jonathan Lewis – Non-party disclosure orders in judicial review proceedings (R (AB) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care).Alerter by Jack Castle – Smart Contracts: Practical Tips from the Law Commission’s Advice to Government.Article by Jack Castle – Standing, discrimination, bias and the PSED in judicial review of a public appointment (R (on the application of Good Law Project Ltd and another) v Prime Minister and another).Alerter by Rhodri Williams QC – A New EU International Procurement Instrument (IPI).Alerter by Tim Green QC and Douglas Maxwell – Building Safety Bill Receives Royal Assent.Alerter by Kathleen Donnelly and Thomas Evans – No Relief from Missed Cut-Off Date.Alerter by Arnold Ayoo – Costs of an Interim Injunction Where a Defendant Consents to Relief.Alerter by Noel Dilworth – The snail that never was? Suspicions surrounding Mrs Donoghue’s case.Article by Jonathan Lewis – The justiciability of legislative commencement decisions (R (British Medical Association) v Secretary of State for Defence).Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria UKSC 16

douglas brave williams crescent city california

Alerter by Jonathan Lewis and Jack Castle – Litigation under the new Procurement Bill.Alerter by Freya Foster – London Borough of Barking and Dagenham v Argos Limited EWHC 1398 (Admin).Alerter by Noel Dilworth on Hastings v Finsbury Orthopaedics Ltd.Alerter by Jack Castle – Part-time worker’s entitlement to leave is not to be pro-rated compared to a full-time worker.Alerter by Adam Heppinstall QC and Freya Foster – Office for Environmental Protection publishes its enforcement strategy.Article by Jonathan Lewis – New quashing orders and abolition of Cart judicial reviews under JRCA 2022.Alerter by Prashant Popat KC & Chris Adams: New EU mechanisms for domestic and cross-border representative actions against traders.Alerter by Lucy McCormick: New EU liability rules on AI.Client Confidentiality & Conflicts Policy.

Douglas brave williams crescent city california